Vegan sausage rolls unavailable in Hucknall!

A vegan sausage roll from Greggs.A vegan sausage roll from Greggs.
A vegan sausage roll from Greggs.
Greggs in Hucknall is not yet stocking the new vegan sausage roll, disappointed gourmets have discovered.

A spokesperson for the bakery chain told the Dispatch that the controversial snacks are currently only available in 950 of their 1,850 shops.

They said: “Before looking to roll it out further we were keen to gauge customer demand.”

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The firm says its £1 rolls have been selling out rapidly, depleting the stocks held at its factory in Newcastle, where they are made and frozen before being sent out to shops to bake.

Boss Roger Whiteside said the firm had been taken by surprise over their popularity and the level of publicity surrounding the launch, and was ramping up production in response.

“Now that we know it is selling, we want to get it out there as quickly as possible,” he said.

“The shops that do have it are selling out instantly and the shops that didn’t get it are screaming for it.”

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The Quorn-filled vegan alternative to the traditional meat version was launched on January 3, coinciding with the beginning of Veganuary, a growing movement that encourages people to embrace plant-based diets.

TV presenter Piers Morgan sparked a furore when he tweeted: “Nobody was waiting for a vegan bloody sausage, you PC-ravaged clowns.”

Let us know what YOU think!

Would you eat a vegan sausage roll? Or does it simply defeat the whole idea of a sausage in the first place?